iphone 6
The iPhone of 2015 could have a much better camera
The iPhone of 2015 could have a much better camera
The iPhone of the next year should be an iPhone 6s. Apple accustomed his users to take out a new major version of his smartphone every two years. IPhones "s" are improved versions, in particular at the level of the photo. The model of the next year could know important changes on this matter.
iPhone 6 camera |
According to John Gruber, Apple works on an important said improvement of the camera. The blogger, who has sometimes well informed sources, evokes in particular the use of two sensors in the back, against one at present. This day, a manufacturer uses this system, worth knowing HTC. HTC One ( M8) is supposed to take good photos by means of both sensors, the second being used to capture various elements. For its next iPhone, Apple could be inspired by this idea.
Apple always wanted to propose a good quality for the camera. The iPhone 6 is considered as one of the best smartphones for the part camera, even with its 8 megapixels (Read: iphone 6: performances photo-video )
. We shall call back that megapixels do not make everything, Apple tries to make this message pass. With two sensors or another technology, the firm could improve again and again on this aspect.
It is still too early to evoke the first concrete rumors of the new iPhone, but the first indiscretions should not delay. That of day is a beginning.
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